This page is in place to assist people in finding the right type of help. These organizations are commonly useful in Community Housing, and when in need.
Neither this website nor the resources provided here are for use in a life threatening emergency situation. In the event of an emergency, please call 911.
NVHousingSearch.org is a free search that helps Nevadans find rental homes and apartments that fit their needs and budget. It’s easy to use and updated daily.
website: nvhousingsearch.org
Reno Housing Authority
The Public Housing Authority for the City of Sparks and Washoe County.
website: renoha.org
Crisis Call Center
Suicide prevention and crisis hotline.
website: crisiscallcenter.org
NV 211
Connecting any and all Nevadans to the vital health and human resources and to eliminate the confusion and frustration of knowing where to turn in a time of need.
website: nevada211.org
United Way of Northern Nevada & the Sierra
Family services and resource center focusing on well being, education, and independence.
website: uwnns.org
Washoe County Legal Services
Free legal services in Washoe County, Nevada
website: washoelegalservices.org